To answer that question, you can find new information on Peikko’s corporate responsibility via our website
This renewal work got its spark last spring when I read a book about how to turn corporate responsibility requirements into a success factor of a company. The main message, I still remember from that reading, was that companies “should just start doing instead of making strategies”. I liked this practical guideline a lot, and as a result, we created this renewed section on our website in a very short time just by ourselves. However, it is always good to ask feedback, so we also cooperated with an external partner to deepen our understanding.
The aim of this responsibility section was to collect and write down things and matters we have done so far, and to create more transparency on how Peikko is acting when it comes to environmental, social and governance (ESG) matters. Creating content for the website was very rewarding, as we realized that in many areas, we have already achieved a lot. Though, as a global company there are many areas where we still need to improve and keep on working. This section is a starting point, and we are committed to constantly improving our operations and ESG related matters in the future, too. It's not only important for our customers and employees, but also for other stakeholders and communities, where we are locally present.
How did we do? Have a look at and give us your feedback!