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Another new White Paper: Fire Resistance and Design of Column Connection

By Peikko's blog team

December, 20, 2021

Peikko continues its strong construction industry publications momentum with a new White Paper: Fire Resistance and Design of Column Connection – Peikko Designer® Calculation Procedure.

The new White Paper describes the Peikko Designer® calculation method, which is used to verify Peikko column connections’ resistance to fire. It also explains fire design procedure, calculation flow, and used calculation parameters in accordance with Eurocode European Technical Standard EN 1992-1-2 (Eurocode 2: Design of concrete structures. Part 1-2. Structural fire design).

Peikko Designer® is a 3D online design tool that enables structural engineers and designers to optimize structural designs and connections. Freely available to its more than 40,000 registered users worldwide, Peikko Designer® includes modules for designing column connections, punching reinforcement and anchoring plates.

In Peikko Designer®, fire resistance can be calculated under the design code section ‘Design based on connection performance and resistance’ (EN Eurocodes + ETA 18/0037), and also taking into account various National Annexes. Peikko Designer® calculates: the fire resistance of concrete columns with HPM® Anchor Bolt + HPKM® Column Shoe and PPM® Anchor Bolt + BOLDA® Column Shoe; axial force-bending moment resistance interaction curves; the final stage; for rectangular and circular cross-sections; and for connections with four or more bolts.

The White Paper explains how Peikko Designer® makes these calculations, showing some possible input values and detailing all relevant background data, equations, stress-strain relationships and models. These are in the areas of thermal actions and response, and mechanical actions and response, and are supported by Peikko and other fire test results.

The final part of the White Paper examines tension, balance and compression failure in the event of fire.


Read Peikko’s White Paper: Fire Resistance and Design of Column Connection  - Peikko Designer® calculation procedure


Kaspars Grübe
MSc (Eng.)
R&D Engineer
Peikko Group Corporation 

Otavio Aguiar
PhD (Eng.)
R&D Engineer
Peikko Group Corporation
